10 of the Most-Searched Words in the Dictionary

I use the dictionary a LOT. When I type “m” into the search bar, my computer automatically fills in “merriam-webster.com.”

Most of the time, the words I’m searching are ones that I haven’t heard before or rarely use, but there are definitely a few frequent offenders A.K.A. words whose definitions I just can’t get to stick in my head.

And I don’t think I’m the only person who has this problem! In fact, I know I’m not, because Merriam-Webster published this list with 10 of the most frequently searched words in the dictionary, and some of the words that made the list might surprise you.

For whatever reason, no one seems to know what these words mean.



even though; although


It was a fun albeit expensive trip.

My grandmother was a sweet woman, albeit one who would not hesitate to call you out if you deserved it.

The art room was a disaster, albeit a colorful, fun, and whimsical disaster.

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doubtful or uncertain especially from obscurity or indistinctness; capable of being understood in two or more possible ways


When the witness was cross-examined, he seemed to give deliberately ambiguous answers.

The politician had an ambiguous stance on birth control, likely so they wouldn’t alienate voters who felt strongly either way.

The movie’s ending was too ambiguous to be satisfying.

In the light, her eyes turned an ambiguous shade of blue, seeming to change with every shift of her gaze.

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having or showing little or no interest, concern, or emotion


Rather than getting angry, I tried to appear apathetic.

I told my professor I couldn’t complete the assignment because my car broke down. He was completely apathetic, though, and gave me a zero.

All the weather channels warned of an incoming tornado, but the residents of the small town remained surprisingly apathetic.

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an intricate and difficult problem


Karen works full-time, so although her children love the excitement of a snow day, arranging for childcare can be a conundrum.

The doorway of our new house is four feet wide, and our bed frame is five feet wide, which makes moving it inside quite the conundrum.

She faced an awful conundrum: Should she quit her well-paying job without another offer or stay on despite the toxic environment?

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being contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives; reflecting a belief that human conduct is motivated primarily by self-interest


A cynical person might say that no good deed goes unpunished.

The philanthropist often donates to children’s hospitals and orphanages, but my cynical friend believes they’re just trying to make themselves look good.

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firm adherence to a code of especially moral values; incorruptibility; the quality or state of being complete or undivided


They sacrificed their integrity when they gave in to temptation.

The earthquake compromised the integrity of the building, and it collapsed.

She was a morally sound person of strong integrity, so we all trusted her to make the right decision.

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strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties; attraction based on sexual desire; affection and tenderness felt by lovers; affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests; warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion


A mother’s love for her child is strong.

Even after fifty years, the couple were very much in love.

George’s strong work ethic was motivated by his love for the game.

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expressive of unwarranted or exaggerated importance, worth, or stature; claiming to have more value than is actually true


It’s difficult to be pretentious when you’ve got pie on your face.

The restaurant was elegant, bordering on pretentious.

Her frequent use of unnecessarily long words made her appear pretentious.

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existing or being everywhere at the same time; constantly encountered; widespread


Subway is a classic road trip meal. It’s quick, easy, and ubiquitous.

The new style became ubiquitous after the famous actress was seen wearing it.

On midwestern highways, billboards are ubiquitous.

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This one can get a bit complicated, so check out my full blog post for more examples and explanations!


Affect as a verb means to produce an effect on something or influence it. To affect something means to act on it or change it in some way.

Effect is most commonly used as a noun that means “result.”

Affect as a noun is almost exclusively used in psychology; you won’t hear this used in everyday conversation. According to Merriam-Webster, an affect is “a set of observable manifestations of an experienced emotion” or “the facial expressions, gestures, postures, vocal intonations, etc., that typically accompany an emotion.”

Effect as a verb is much more common than affect as a noun. To “effect” something means “to bring it about.” Effect as a verb goes a step further than affect: affect means merely to influence or change something; effect means an actual achievement of a result.

Affect vs. Effect


Affect as a verb: I thought the cheerful music wouldn’t affect me, but I found myself growing less glum as I listened.

Effect as a noun: The effect of the new company policy was that several employees turned in their two-week notice.

Affect as a noun: Trying to communicate the seriousness of the situation, Barney’s parents put on a somber affect.

Effect as a verb: The designer effected an amazing transformation of the old house.

Click here to learn more about affect vs. effect!

What words do you find yourself looking up over and over again? Let me know in the comments!


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