
Category: Commonly Confused Words

20 English Words You Might Be Mispronouncing

I’m a textbook introvert who reads a lot and doesn’t like to talk very much. Consequently, I have frequently learned a new word, pronounced it a certain way in my head, and then later learned (sometimes in embarrassing ways) that Read more…

9 Popular Phrases You Might Be Saying WRONG

Hold on to your hat because this post just might blow your mind. Even if you’re a native English speaker, you might be getting these nine common phrases WRONG. Each of these phrases has an unfortunate buddy that SOUNDS like Read more…

Are “Like” and “As” Interchangeable? It’s Complicated.

Which is correct: “It happened like I said it would” or “It happened as I said it would”? What about these: “It tasted like garbage” or “It tasted as garbage”? If you picked the sentence with like in it both Read more…

“Then” and “Than” Are DIFFERENT Words: Here’s How To Use Each One

Then and than are just one letter away from being the exact same word, but that one tiny letter makes a world of difference! Despite the words’ similarity in spelling, they have completely different definitions and are absolutely NOT interchangeable. Read more…

“You and I” or “You and Me”? How To Use Nominative and Objective Pronouns

If you went to the grocery store with your roommate, would you say “He and I went” or “He and me went”? And if your friend graciously offered to drive you both, would you say “They drove him and I” Read more…

The 19 Most CONFUSING Words in English

Most words have antonyms, which are “opposite” words. For example, the antonym of good is bad. An antonym of sad is happy. Then there are these super CONFUSING words called contronyms. These words are their OWN antonyms; they mean both Read more…

Is It “Your” or “You’re”? How To ALWAYS Pick the RIGHT One

It’s back! That pesky apostrophe is once again confusing people with two words that sound exactly the same but actually mean COMPLETELY different things. “Your” and “You’re” sound like the same word when we say them out loud, which is Read more…

Is It “It’s” or “Its”? There’s One EASY Way To Tell!

“It’s” and “its” mean two COMPLETELY different things. These two little words get mixed up all. the. time. In fact, I’d say it’s one of the most common errors that I come across while copyediting. About this error, Lynne Truss Read more…

The Grammar Faux Pas That Annoys Me the Most (Or Is It “Which Annoys Me the Most”?)

I can’t leave that question in the title hanging—it’s stressing me out too much to pretend that “which” could be correct in that phrase. The correct title is “The Grammar Faux Pas That Annoys Me the Most,” and there’s one Read more…

Commonly Confused Words: Fewer and Less

“Fewer” and “less” both mean “a smaller amount than,” so lots of people use them interchangeably. However, these words are actually different! There are specific times when you need “fewer” and other times when “less” is more appropriate. The rule Read more…